Friday, August 28, 2009


I got to make a video last week with Lenny Epstein, one of Kingston's finest videographers.
I should have made something really high concept and cool that would be eye poppingly unique and grasp the attention of the internet with an iron fist.
But instead, I decided to make something that I would like, that I pictured when I heard the song.
The song is 'Can't Know' (track 11 on the line) and it is all set on a river. Said river goes from the lake near North Bay that my family has been cottaging on since the fifties to a string of other lakes that are all on untouched crown land. I soloed up the river in a canoe, with Lenny and the camera in another canoe. Cameras in canoes is a terrifying prospect but we managed to get everything we needed without serious incident. There are many slightly wobbly, gliding shots.

1 comment:

mp said...

heard your songs for the first time playing at soundscapes...hope to make it out to Nuite Blanche//